Sunday 20 February 2011

Second Post by Marcel Huszár

The Project Week at the Academy of Communication

Hi Boys and Girls,
This is our first blog. I’m really happy with this because then we can improve our English skills. :)

So, today I’m going to tell you something about our Project Week. 

First, we had to build a stage model for the stage play:” Jekyll & Hyde”. The first problem was:  How should it look?” Kai and I decided to take a “3-Wall-Stage” but we couldn’t finish it because we had to construct the boat stage for “Argo-KF” another stage play.

This job took up 4 days, so we didn’t have any time to finish the stage model but building the boat was a funny work. One group practiced a play, one of the groups built the stage and so on.

Even though it was stressful for everyone, I can say that it was really good fun and that we are looking forward to the next project week.

See you until our next “blogging”!


Saturday 19 February 2011

First Entry


We did a one week project at school two weeks ago. The theme was “The strange case of Mr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde“. I decided to make posters with Carina, because this is what we can do best.
On Monday we only sketched out some ideas. Some of my group mates started to design their posters on pcs. However, all my ideas were still in my head! I wanted to make a photorealistic poster first, but on Tuesday it turned out to be something of a challenge. I liked my idea a lot, to take of photo of a coin in a mirror, that shows both sides of the main character(s) – “one man, two faces“. But that coin was so
finely detailed that in the end it only worked as a flyer.
For the following two days I tried it again. My result was a clear and typographic poster. I liked this poster as well, but I still think my first idea was more creative.
I felt honoured that some of our design teachers were delighted with my poster. I still don’t understand why, because typography with used fonts is not as good as typography with self designed fonts. Do you get it? It’s about the design you did by yourself. I just put the words in a random order.
Anyway, I think this week was a success, because I met new people and did two likable posters, my semester 1 certificate was good and I started the weekend earlier than I’m used to.

The others will send me their posters tomorrow... stay tuned!